dining on satisfaction
You can dine on Satisfaction in one of two ways…
The ‘fresh, organic whole food edition’, or the ‘fast food edition’.
Just like real fast food, the fast food edition of the life-giving energy of satisfaction, is cheap, low quality, might feel good at the time but ultimately depletes you and is definitely not going to give you enough nourishment to sustain you…
The fresh, organic whole food edition in contrast, is curated with wholesome ingredients that provide genuine nourishment that will sustain you long term. It’s rich with nutrients that can be absorbed deep into your very cells, and become the building blocks of whatever life you are creating for yourself going forwards…
Too many successful women are dining on fast food style satisfaction and wondering why they’re not getting the benefits of the fresh, organic whole food variety…
Working ridiculous hours, hustling towards endless project deadlines that leave you with no breathing room, bingeing on Netflix, YouTube, alcohol, social media or empty sex with people who don’t cherish you. (Or maybe you’re married and there’s no sex at all because just like your hobbies, you’ve given up on your pleasure as ‘unnecessary’.) Choosing to put crap, processed food in your body, getting poor sleep and neglecting the things you were once passionate about because you work too much and are too exhausted after hours to do anything meaningful.
You might get a hit of satisfaction from nailing that next milestone in the project, or getting celebrated by your team leader for your hard work. The YouTube might be entertaining to watch, and the wine might taste great…
But are you REALLY satisfied?
C’mon ladies – let’s dine at Vue de Monde, not Macca’s.
What ways can you see to transition to sources of genuine, meaningful Satisfaction?